by carlos » Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:24 pm
From the teachings of our Gurus´, we know that the main reason of our being wandering without any hope, is due to our desires and attachments with this world and its objects. As the bani says: jaisa dhiyaiyeh taisa hoveh, means, as you dwell upon so you become. Let us have a look around ourselves, what is it all about? Nothing but maya and objects made of the 5 tattwas or elements, such as earth, fire, water, air and ether.
So naturally being attached to them, we shall definetely get pulled down back into this creation, because that ultimate truth Wahiguru Akal Purukh, can not be perceived through the intruments available to us , and these are the 5 gyan indriyas and 5 karma indriyas, plus mind and intellect.
And even in spite of having them all combined fully, we can never know anything of our heavenly Father Satpurukh. So we may reach to the conclusion, are we lost? And the answer is, unfortunately and sadly yes. As the bani says: Sochay soch na hovaee, jeh soche lakh vaar. That means, we may try to examinate the true nature of Akal Purukh millions of times, but even then, it is impossible. It is not in men´s hands to understand the Uncomprehensible Mighty Lord...OOOCH APAAR BEANT SOAMI....
Just as our reason of going astray in this creation is mainly our attachments, our thoughts, our contemplation, of the perishable and temporary objects and relations of this the same way, but in the opposite direction is the road leading out of the creation, going directly to our Nij Ghar Sach Khand.
That means, by attaching ourselves to something pure which is beyond the limits of time space, not polluted by maya or karmas, and beyond Braham, where there is no trace of all these things.
Now here comes the wonderfull grace of Wahiguru, He knows that the negative power Kal, has cunnigly made this creation in such a way that, it is almost impossible for any soul to escape from it, but Wahiguru is much wiser and merciful, that is why one of His names is Dayal Purukh, so out of His inmense and boundless daya meher(grace and mercy), he left a door open for the souls to get out of this wicked web.
That door is this human form or life, and as said before the way to get out is the same one as the one of binding us back here, but only that it is on the opposite side.
So which or what is that way?
As seen before we said jaisa dhiyaiyeh taisa hoiyeh, which means as you dwell or contemplate, so you become
Here comes into action the role of a Gurmukh, a Sant, a Satguru. From the teachings of our Gurus´we know that Gurmukhs or Sant janas, are the embodiment of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, whensoever He wishes to come on this earthly plane and dwell among us.
Through their inmense love and grace, they plant real unselfish love in our hearts for Satpurkh, at the same making us aware of our true divine nature as souls, thus removing the filth of our karmas and ignorance...and in due time we fall in love with them, as they are the embodiment of infinite ocean of love called Wahiguru.
And when once we fall in love with somebody, what does usually happen? Well, that the safal moorat or face, remains in front of us, and the deeper the sentiment of love, the more time it stays in front of our eyes. So this is the only trick, the only way to get out of this Maha Bhavsagar, and that is first getting in the company of a living Gurmukh of our time, menas He has to be alive as us.
The question then arises, why has it to be so? Firstly beacuse, to get the Gurprasad, the updesh of Nam Simran from Him, as said in the Bani: Ik Onkar, satgur prasad. Means, there is only one Lord, and He is found by getting the Gurprasad. If there was any other way, surely it was written in the Bani...but it is not so.
That is why also it is said, Prabh Ka simran, Sadh kee sangat.... Sant Kee sewa...Nam dhiyaveh.......Mil mere Gobinda, apna Nam devoh....we may take the bani from any page, any parragraph, the Guru always and everyehere referred, is a Gurmukh in human spite of that, the real teachings of the bani have been twisted by the moorakhs, and presented to us according to their limited level of consciousness, though they may have aquired the grades of graduates or PHD in the holy texts, but the thing is that, real knowledge is got at the Lotus Feet of a Gurmukh and applying ourselves in the devotion of Nam Bhakti alone. This is only what a real Gurmukh will ask us to do, the real devotion of Wahiguru, through His nam Simran, and this is one of the signs to recognize a real Gurmukh.
Anything else we may do, are just rituals, are just symbols, just politics, rules and regulations to get us entangled in this creation, is just putting and tightening chains around us, just as zaat, paat, dharam, land, country, religion, pilgrimages, fasting endless list of activities in which man engages himself uselessly and looses his golden oportunity of human birth.
Only one thing is important: Prabh ka simram sabh te oocha. This is the real pooja, paath, ritual, fasting, and pilgrimages, as it is clearly stated in Sukhmani Sahib.
Let us ask ourselves, do we do all this what is simply said in Sukhmani Sahib? That is Nam abyaas(Prabh Ka Simran). If yes, congratulations, if not, sorry to say we are wasting our precious lives.
So going back to the point when we come into the shelter of a Gurmukh, we start loving Him intensely, to the extent that His sweet swaroop, is around our eyes all the time, so naturally in this way, we are contemplating on the Swaroop of Wahiguru on this earthly plane, in this way by meditating and comtemplating on His physical form, we get realeased from the cluthches of maya and Kal.
So by falling in love with a Gurmulh, we attach ourselves to Him, and so in that way He acts like a powerful engine of a train, that pulls and takes to its destination anything attached to it . He is the Supreme authority , no power can stop Him taking back the souls with Him to Sach Khand. It is only through the love and power of a Gurmukh that a soul crosses Parbraham and reaches in the safe lap of Wahiguru.
Because when a Gurmukh leaves this plane, He is responsible to take those souls back to Sach Khand, to those whom He gave the Gurprasad of Nam, as He goes back, He merges Himself in Wahiguru Akal Purukh along with those souls only, whom He gave the Gurprasad, in that way, the souls, the Gurmukh, all become one with Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
How or why is this so possible?
Beacuse the real form of a Gurmukh is not His body, it is His true spiritual form , as He is the embodiment of Shabad or Bani, so when He leaves this physical plane, means His physical body, He goes back and merges in His origin, which is none other than Akal Purukh in Sach Khand. His physical form was just assumed for giving Gurprasad or Updesh to those wadbhagee jeevas marked on their foreheads, none others, and this continues going on by His sucessors. These may appear at any time and any place, it is all in the hands of Wahiguru, He knows best where and when to make Himself known in human form as a Gurmukh. A This is the way designed by Wahiguru, to go back to Him, which no man can alterate. It has been so in the past, it is so also in the present, it will continue to be so in the future. Around 200 hundred years befor Guru nanak, was Sant Nam Dev...contemporary to Nanak was Kabir Sahib...and some more examples, it is totally in His will if He chooses to be in 1 or 2 forms at a time, or hide Himself for some time and appear afterwards at different places.
For that reason , the bani says: Mat Koee bhoolay Sansar, Bin satgur koee na utras paar... Bin Satguru ghor ander.And so what is that light, that these Gurmukhs give us? That is the light of Nam, as it is said: Mil mere Gobinda, apna Nam deho, means dear Lord, come and give me the bakshish of your sweet Nam. And the only possible way for Him to come at our level is in the human form, not of any gods or devis or devtas, neither lower species of lives just as animals, plants or birds, much less in lifeless(cosciousless-souless) objects.
It is this Satguru in human form,which is mentioned and referred in the bani: Mera baid Guru Gobinda, Mera Satguru(Gurmukh in human form) Deen Dayala, means Gurmukh and Akal Purukh are equal.
My God, can we ever understand the inmensity and beauty of the teachings of our Gurus´. The answer is simply no. Even gods as Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu, neither Maha kal, can ever comprehend a Gurmukh or Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
Oooch Apaar Beant Soami.